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#Product Trends

Air Platform

The FR SWAN X1 air platform is a delivery tricycle (or trike) equipped with a soft wing on the concept of two-seater microlight.

Completely automatic, the platform is managed by an on board autopilot to which are connected various electromechanical systems (electromagnetic jacks) which recreate the pilot gestures and movements, as well as detectors and sensors (inertial motion unit, GPS) partially replacing the pilot senses.

This "robotic" system elaborated by Flying Robots SA allows managing takeoff, flight, stages or missions during the flight, and landing of the SWAN X1 system.

The platform has been designed in order to offer a full availability of the "Cargo space" (available volume) allowing the installation of any type of payload or the different options that Flying Robots SA is offering. The Cargo space is accessible from the top of the platform or from the removable floor.

The platform integrates all the computers, calculators and electronic systems, as well as the engine, and the two structural fuel tanks of 100 liters each.

The air platform is lifted by a soft wing especially designed ("Reflex" concept) in order to be in accordance with the Security/Safety requirements of the SWAN X1.


  • Rue de Hesse 12, 1204 Genève, Switzerland
  • Flying Robots