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#Industry News

Air garbage receiving vehicle (electric type) chassis conversion assembly

Air garbage receiving vehicle (electric type) chassis conversion assembly

JSTY5060LJCE aviation garbage receiving vehicle (electric type) is composed of QingLING QL1070BEVECDAY chassis modification assembly, sewage box assembly, lifting platform assembly, hydraulic system, electrical system, etc

The chassis of this car adopts the Qingling QL1070BEVECDAY Class II chassis, its main structure is detailed in the operation manual of the QL1070BEVECDAY Class II chassis.

The company carries out local modification according to the product design. On the chassis are installed: diesel tank, battery, hydraulic valve group, electric control box, hydraulic fuel tank, fire extinguisher, support foot, sewage tank, taillight and bottom frame assembly.

Four support legs are installed at the front and rear parts of the chassis. When lifting the box, the support legs must be lowered to ensure the stability of the vehicle.

There is an 8Kg fire extinguisher at the rear of the front passenger chassis. A wheel stop support is installed on the left side of the box.


  • Hang Kong Lu, Jian Hu Xian, Yan Cheng Shi, Jiang Su Sheng, China